As a dad, there comes a point in your life when you start to feel like your name is no longer your own. It’s not John or Mike or whatever it used to be. No, now it’s just “Dad.” And you hear it. A lot. Like, a whole lot. You hear it so much that your actual name disappears into the abyss of parenthood, never to be uttered again. Sometimes “Dad” is repeated so many times, with so many requests (some may call it orders), in such a short amount of time, that you start cussing “Dad” out under your breathe – yeah, that’s right you cuss yourself out. It happens to me when I am in the middle of resolving 10 different dad requests and I hear “Dad” again. In my head or under my breathe, I think or say “F*ck Dad.”
It starts innocently enough. Your little one learns to say “Dada” and your heart melts. You feel like the most important person in the world. Then another child comes along. Then they are both talking. “Dad, can I have a snack?” “Dad, where’s my backpack?” “Dad, give me water?” “Dad, where are my shoes?” “Dad, why are you fat?” Dad. Dad. Dad. It’s a never-ending chorus of “Dad, Dad, Dad.”
Most days you’re happy to hear your name and help with anything your kids need – especially when you are not physically and mentally exhausted. But as the monotony of life takes its toll on you, day after day, you feel a twinge of annoyance when you hear that word repeated over and over. “Dad” becomes a constant . You start to long for the days when you were just John or Mike or whatever it used to be.
The Privilege of Being Called "Dad"
But then, just when you think you can’t take it anymore, something magical happens. You’re sitting in bed with the kids, exhausted from a long day, reading a bedtime story, trying to stay awake, when your child turns to you, looks at you and says, “I love you, Dad.” And in that moment, you realize that there is no better title in the world than “Dad.”
Being “Dad” is the greatest honor you could ever have. So, to all the dads out there who are tired of hearing their name over and over again, remember this: being “Dad” is not just a title, it’s a privilege. Embrace it and cherish it. After all, there’s no name you’d rather be called than “Dad.”